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How about some Flirt School chit chat?

Antoine would say that the very best way to catch a flirty rabbit is to get out there on the street and use a bit of eye contact. Failing that you could always sit at home on your computer and use your fingers.

Online flirting can be fun. Who cares if they live half way around the world in Austrailia or Iceland when you are doing it for kicks. I myself once dated an Eskimo from Canada's Western Arctic while I was living in London, England and it turned out I could have made it into the Guinness book of world records for having the longest long distance relationship ever. It took me 24 hours and three planes to get to our first date! Still, it was fun and the online flirting played a big part in the relationship; so, single or not, online flirting can really play a big part in any relationship and that is why I have included the following chat links for you to have a look around and see if you too can find your next date with an Eskimo.....brrrrr!

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